Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Washington, April 29, 2009 (AP). As President Obama welcomed Senator Arlen Specter into the fold, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, said, “The danger of that for the country is that there won’t automatically be an ability to restrain the excess that is typically associated with big majorities and single-party rule.”

This utterance sparked a lively debate among academic language experts and connoisseurs of words, one side arguing that the statement was hypocrisy, while the other maintained it was unselfconscious irony. Other voices brandished thesauri and added pietism, cant, pious fraud, lip-devotion, lip-service, lip-reverence, and sanctimony. Listening intently to this academic debate, former President Bush said, “huh?” and went about his retirement activity of clearing brush from his cerebrum.

In a related story, Mr. Bush, asked about the outbreak of swine flu, said, “That’s like ‘I’ll lend you money when pigs fly, or in the past tense, when swine flew.’ ” Mr. Bush then went back to his retirement activity of arranging his library alphabetically by super hero.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


University Of Michigan Sued Over Stadium

Ann Arbor, April 21 (AP). A suit on behalf of Russia against the University of Michigan was filed today in United States District Court seeking an injunction to prevent completion of Michigan Stadium renovations because of what the plaintiff’s lawyer described as “a startling resemblance to the classic design of Moscow’s Lubyanka Prison.” He asked that the venue be changed when the Judge, the bailiff and the court reporter joined the Defense attorney in singing “Hail to the Victors.”

Delta To Add Charges for Bags

Atlanta, April 21 (AP). Delta airlines announced today it would charge senior citizens $25.00 each for bags under their eyes. This follows yesterday’s announced psychiatric screening of passengers for emotional baggage, and a set-up charge to passengers who bring food aboard. An old man with a neurotic attachment to his mother and a salami sandwich could be expected to pay as much as $125 in add-ons on a typical Detroit to Dallas flight. Elderly frequent flyers are advised that it would be cheaper to have the bags removed surgically.

Accused Pirate Arrives in New York

New York, April 21 (AP). Suspected Somali pirate Abduhl Wali-i-Musi arrived in New York today to plead to a charge of piracy. The judge began the plea hearing asking the suspect, “got a little of the Captain in ya?” The suspect would say only, “arrrggghhh!”


Putting Your Money Where Your Money Is

New York, April 21 (AP). According to the New York Times, Major League Baseball has an “army of authenticators . . . a team of 120 active and retired law-enforcement officials watching every game from up close . . .” to detect violations of MLB’s copyrights in paraphernalia using its logo. When Jorge Posada of the Yankees hit a homer on opening day, an authenticator ran to centerfield to examine and authenticate the ball. According to the standup comedian and social commentator Sheki Mbeki, MLB’s vigorous defense of its property rights “is an operation shock and awe compared to its limp steroid enforcement,” and “a fine example of putting your money where your money is.”

Hall of Fame Apology

Cincinnati, April 21 (AP). Mississippi basketball coach Andy Kennedy pled guilty to a reduced charge to avoid jail on accusations that he punched and taunted a cab driver. Kennedy said he apologized “"for any role that I may have played in this unfortunate situation." This cavil-ier dismissal of his bad behavior was immediately placed in contention for a spot in the Museum of Non-Apologies (MONA) alongside such classics as “I’m sorry you feel that way,” and “I’m sorry you didn’t like our service.”

Lions Improve Logo

Detroit April 21 (AP). The Detroit Lions announced a new, improved logo that is considerably fiercer looking than the old one. A spokesperson for the team said, “Every Lion helmet will sport this fear-inducing logo that will strike terror into the hearts of opponents, something our players haven’t been able to do since the Eisenhower administration. Hopefully, it will help our team improve its record to 1-15.” Asked why the Lions didn’t get better players the spokesperson said, “Who do you think William Clay Ford is, George Steinbrenner?”