Saturday, March 8, 2008


Washington March 8, 2008 (AP). The Apocryphal Press has secured an advance copy of a secret TV announcement script. The full text follows.

Video: Establishing shot. An impressive, columned building seen from the front at an angle. A man stands in front of the building. The camera zooms in and sweeps quickly to the man’s level. Cut to a full-length view of the man from the front. He is well-dressed in a Wall Street way, and wears a sad expression. He reaches down to his right trouser pocket as the camera zooms in on it for extreme close up. The man pulls the pocket out to show its emptiness. The camera pans to his despairing face as it looks up at the building. Tears form in his eyes.

Voice over: [excited] Good credit? Bad credit? No Credit? No problem! No proof of ability to pay? Write your own, we’ll believe it!! [quieter] I’m Ben Bernanke and I can help. If your bank is broke because you did a few foolish things, there’s no reason to despair. I’ll fund your idiotic sub-prime mortgage losses [emphatic] and give YOU the ability to do it again and again. How can I do that? Do you really want to know? Call ME at 1-800-urbroke or go to

Video: [rolls as the VO says “give YOU”] Money is thrown out of a high window in the building, and the smiling man picks it up, grins at the camera, stuffs his pockets and runs.]

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